Carers Voice
As a carer you are an expert through your lived experience of caring and should be able to have a say in services, policies and decisions that affect you and the people that you care for.
Perth and Kinross Carers voice is a Carer led service, whose representatives attend Health and Social Care meetings amongst others to make sure carers voices are heard. We are all either carers or former carers and so have a wealth of lived experience. Carers Voice role is to represent carers views and best interests when developing new strategies, both locally and nationally, to improve carer support and services both within Social Care services and the NHS.
In order to ensure that we are effective in achieving our objectives we need regular input from other carers.
Caring is not a one size fits all situation. Each Caring role presents its own unique difficulties, so for example, Dementia carers face different challenges to those caring for those living with Autism or Learning difficulties and they in turn experience different problems to those who care for those who are living with the struggles of Drug or Alcohol Dependency and so on throughout the Caring Spectrum.
In other words we need you! We need feedback from all types of carers.
Although there are many ways that you can pass your views on to us, email or telephone 07856 660 898
However, experience tells us that we are more likely to gain useful feedback during friendly and relaxed conversation with unpaid carers.
We are therefore inviting you to join us and other unpaid carers to make new friends over tea or coffee and share your caring experiences in order to improve the lives of others by enabling us to better represent your views.
For those who are unable to join us live, once you have registered with us, we can send you a link to join our meetings on line .
We will also keep you up to date with new proposed changes within the Health and Social care partnership and inform you of new support that you may find helpful.
Most importantly, your views are of the utmost importance to us, together we can make a difference
We meet at 11:00 on the second Tuesday of every month at PKAVS Carers Hub in Lewis place, Perth and would be delighted to see you.
We are your Carers Voice representatives and we would like to meet you!
Dear Carer,
We have attached some advisory notes on completing Power of Attorney applications, it is very important Carers of those who have a degenerative condition causing them to loose capacity to manage their own affairs have these documents in place, they will make your life so much less complicated if you reach the stage that you have to make decisions concerning those you care for.
Some Carers have experienced problems recently because health and social care have refused to accept their power of attorney as sufficient authority to place the person they have cared for in a care facility when their illness has progressed to a stage that they can no longer be cared for at home.
When this has happened Health and social care have insisted that the carer has to seek guardianship through the courts, this can be a lengthy and complex process and can involve carers in extra expense.
Please ask your solicitor to be very specific in wording the Welfare Power of Attorney in order to avoid this,
I hope that you will find this helpful,