Technological enabled care
There are many different form of how technology can help make life easier for you as a carer but also for the person you support. Some of these are mentioned below:
Equipment and changes to your home
A simple item such as handrails or a ramp can make all the difference for the carer and the person you support. Different equipment or alterations to the home can make your life a little easier and give the cared for more independence within the home.
You may be entitled to health and care technology or a grant for adaptions to your home. These would both be dependent on the care needs of the person you support, find out more at
Telecare service (Community Alarms)
Telecare, also known as community alarms, can provide peace of mind for carers and their cared for through a 24 response service.
Telecare is one of the most important tools we use to help you live independently in your own home. It ensures you receive help quickly when necessary.
Before applying for Telecare, you can now use the self-check online tool which will provide a summary page with useful information relating to your answers. It may also suggest that you contact your local Telecare Service.
Applying for Telecare
To apply, you can contact the Early Intervention and Prevention service on 0345 30 111 20 or If you are eligible an assessing worker will carry out a home visit to assess for the service and discuss how the system operates. For more information go to
How does it work?
The base unit has a button on it that can be pressed to call for assistance. You will also receive a pendant that you can wear and it has a similar button on it. When one of the buttons is pressed, the Control Centre is automatically contacted by phone. The base unit has a loudspeaker and a strong microphone on it so you and the Control Centre can speak to one another.
The service can be used 24 hours a day.
Telecare Equipment
The Base Unit – this is the hub of the system and connects to the telephone line and mains electrical power supply. It receives smart information from the other detectors and sensors positioned around the home and generates alarm calls for help. Additional sensors are available for service users assessed as requiring them.
Watch the following short video for a brief introduction to some of the technology available:
Carers Scotland has worked with carers to produce a range of simple videos to help you find out how to get support for yourself and the person you care for. Below is a video on technology that may help support you and your cared for.