Referral Form
An Adult Carer is a person over 25 who looks after family members who are in need of support. This could be due to illness, physical disability, mental health issues or where there is a substance misuse in the household. This carer is unpaid – you may be in receipt of Carers Allowance but this not considered to be a payment.
PKAVS Adult Carers offer support to unpaid carers over 25 by helping them to overcome challenges that being a carer can bring. These can include:
- Exhaustion, stress and anxiety
- Deteriorating health (both physical and emotional)
- Financial difficulties
Our trained staff help with issues and offer support through various services including:
- Information, advice and advocacy
- Training and events i.e. dealing with stress, first aid, moving and handling
- Support groups, one-to-ones, therapies and cafes
- Respite services i.e. day clubs