Young Carers Voice
The Young Carer Voice is made up of a team of 8 young carers. The group meets once a month to discuss varying agenda items which affect the services and approaches put in place to support young carers. To date the team have been involved in making an awareness raising podcast, they have provided feedback on documents & strategies relating to young carers and hope to feed in on a national level at some point.
We would encourage all services to seek the feedback from the Young Carers Voice when they are developing their supports for young carers. The group always welcome fresh agenda items and guests to their meetings. It is crucial that services continue to listen to our young people and allow services to be shaped by need. Our young carers have the best insight on the impacts of their caring role and their voices need to be heard.
To find out more contact Young Carers Team 01738 567 076 (option 2)