PKAVS Tampon Taxi is a response to the challenges of lockdown regarding access to period products. It is an approach which places period dignity at its heart, emphasising shame free access and individual choice.
Period Dignity requires equality of access. For us that means a choice of free products, available when you need them, no questions asked. We deliberately don’t talk about Period Poverty, not because Period Poverty work hasn’t made incredible strides, which it has, but because we want to dismantle every barrier that women and girls face to achieving Period Dignity – including stigma of any kind.
We landed on a simple solution – the Tampon Taxi. A tongue-in-cheek name for a service which has been a lifeline for many.
Women and girls who need period products simply send a text, and we send someone to drop off period products within the next day or two. The service is completely free and delivery is contactless.
Since the scheme was launched in mid-March, free period products have been delivered to approximately 150 households. Through these deliveries and the Period Stop, we have given around 4,000 items to women and girls in Perth & Kinross, saving local people approximately £13,000.
Since we started in March 2020, we have been approached by others such as Dundee City Council and Aberdeenshire Council who have since set up similar schemes. We are hopeful that the learning from the Tampon Taxi can inform an approach to Period Dignity across Scotland.