PKAVS Locations
Every year, we improve the quality of life of over 5,000 local people, our dedicated staff and volunteers are committed to enhancing the lives of people living in Perth & Kinross, working alongside them to succeed.
PKAVSThe Gateway
North Methven Street
PKAVS Reception
Tel: 01738 567076
Email: PKAVS Reception
Our Vision is a Perth & Kinross where People Flourish and their Communities Thrive PKAVS are a local charity supporting the wellbeing of people and communities throughout Perth & Kinross, at the times when they need it most, for over 50 years.
Only core administrative functions are carried out from an office at the Gateway now so please contact the services at their own locations in the first instance as detailed below.
PKAVS Carers Centre
PKAVS Carers CentreLewis Place
North Muirton
Carers Centre Reception
Tel: 01738 567076
Email: Carers Centre Reception
The following services are provided here at the Carers Centre. Young Carer, Young Adult Carer, Adult Carer and the Day Centre.
PKAVS supports thousands of unpaid carers in Perth & Kinross. We help people be individuals first, carers second.
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. The Day Centre aims to provide flexible and long-term respite for carers who may feel isolated, enabling the cared for to live as independently as possible for as long as possible.
The Big Hoose
The Big HooseMercian Buildings
Shore Road
PKAVS Reception
Tel: 01738 567076
Email: The Big Hoose
The Big Hoose project supports children and families in Perth & Kinross living in poverty with access to free everyday household items such as toilet rolls, toiletries, cleaning products, bedding and more.
ShopmobilityCanal Street Car Park
31 Canal Street
Tel: 01738 783960
Email: Shopmobility
PKAVS Shopmobility lends mobility aid, such as walkers, wheelchairs and scooters to people with mobility problems.
We can offer hires for short and long term. We have self propelled wheelchairs with leg support for anyone that has broken a leg for example. Shopmobility offers help with minor maintaining your scooter or wheelchair, just get in touch to discuss.
The Walled Garden
Murray Royal Hospital GroundsMuirhall Road
The Walled Garden
Tel: 01738 631777
Email: The Walled Garden
Our garden offers a peaceful and attractive spot to take a stroll or sit and relax. You may even notice some of our clients’ beautiful art work positioned within our garden grounds. Our dog friendly cafe offers produce grown within our garden, carefully prepared by our staff, clients and volunteers. Everyone is welcome! All we ask is for visitors to be mindful that The Walled Garden is a space for our clients to learn, socialise and participate.
Wisecraft10 Lower Mill Street
PH10 6NG
Tel: 01250 874777
Email: Wisecraft
Wisecraft is predominantly a private space for our clients to meaningfully engage with our activities. We are however very happy to speak with anyone regarding a potential referral, volunteer application or woodwork orders/enquiries. We recommend contacting us beforehand to ensure someone is available to greet you and answer any questions you may have.
Third Sector Interface
Third Sector InterfaceThe Gateway
North Methven Street
Third Sector Interface
Tel: 01738 567076
Email: Third Sector Interface
As your local TSI, we provide support to registered charities, community groups and volunteer-involving organisations. We help organisations meet their goals and empower change-makers across the sector, from organisation leaders to aspiring volunteers and more.
We also represent the strategic needs of the sector to advocate for wider change at the local and national level.