Tide – Together in Dementia Everyday
Tide is a UK wide involvement network for carers and former carers of people living with dementia, hosted by the Life Story Network CIC. We empower carers by recognising you as experts by experience. We will equip you with the tools and confidence to use your knowledge and experience in a positive way so that other carers can benefit from your strength, make your voice heard and bring about real change.
When you join tide you will be connected with our staff who will explain how tide works, including what our development programme can offer, and discuss with you how you might want to get involved. They will offer advice and guidance before, during and after any engagement activity you undertake on behalf of tide, such as participating in an NHS working group or telling your story at a workshop. Our members gain strength and confidence by being part of a carers’ involvement network and can make use of a range of benefits including staying informed, learning opportunities, campaigning and networking.
To join for free today tide visit www.tide.uk.net or contact our Scottish office directly.