Your Community PK
This website has been developed by Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership to give people access to local information, organisations and things to do which help support the health and well-being of individuals and local communities.
Your Community PK was developed because lots of people told us how difficult it was to find the information they needed about what was available locally for them. There was a lot of information out there but in lots of different places. They asked us to bring this information together in the one place, and that is Your Community PK.
If you run an organisation, a social or sports club, a local community group, or you have an event or activity you would like to let people now about, you can complete our simple listings form and submit it to us. We will then add your information to this website and also share it on the Your Community PK social media channels. There is no cost to add your organisation or group to the website, but we do remind you that by completing the listing form you are giving us your permission to share your information.