Lost In Transition

Our project – ‘Lost in Transition’ works specifically with young people aged 16-25 years, to engage in our service and activities. We provide flexible support, tailored to individual needs with the aim being to prepare young people for future transitions and positive destinations.
For our young clients, we offer the same engagement activities – creative wellbeing, joinery, gardening, hospitality and healthy lifestyles, but with the addition of more exclusive 1-1 support, outreach work and a focus on employability skills.
Lost in Transition is an important project for helping young people move between child and adult health services, within Perth and Kinross. The journey from adolescence to adulthood can be challenging, and for those with additional wellbeing concerns, it can be made even more difficult. As young people move between health care services, they will find significant differences in the expectations, style and culture of these services. This project helps to support this transition and ensure young people are not at risk of falling between the gaps.
Working with a new service can be daunting and so we’re here to make you feel at ease with engaging in our activities. In the first instance we can meet with you in a space you feel comfortable – at your home, your school or a local coffee shop. Our Youth Services Worker will talk to you about our service and explore your options for the smoothest transition into your chosen activity area(s). If you are in full-time education we are able to discuss your referral with your school/college, and agree on how we can slot into your weekly timetable as an additional, positive commitment.