For Your Recovery
If you or anyone you know would benefit from support and engagement within our service then here’s how you can get involved:
- Completed referral– this can be a self-referral or made by someone else on your behalf.
- A risk assessment is required from a professional who works with you – this can be a support worker, social worker, nurse, GP etc.
We encourage you to come and have a visit at the location in which you are interested in attended either prior to or after referral. This helps us to explain how our activities work and identify what your needs are and how we can work with you on achieving your goals.
Upon completion of referral then sessions can commence – This is based on a 4 week trial period which is an opportunity for you to try out agreed activities before undertaking formal registration as a client.
When registered as a client – we complete a Personal Support Plan which helps formalise the support you already receive and where our service can fit in your recovery journey. You will be assigned a member of staff to complete an IROC (outcomes focussed tool) to help establish SMART goals and identify any gaps/areas of development in which we can help you with or signpost to another relevant organisation.